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Global Circulation Project

The Global Circulation Project is an online forum for international scholarship on the global circulation of literatures and cultures. We publish work on cultures in contact, transculturation and intercultural studies.

We ask how Anglophone authors, genres and movements are adapted, transformed and critiqued through cultural contact. Reciprocally, we ask how other literatures and cultures circulate within Anglophone contexts, with a focus on African, Asian, Australasian and Latin American circulation.

The project is directed by Professor Regenia Gagnier who launched it as Editor-in-Chief of Literature Compass (2009–2013). It was initially funded by a British Academy Research Development Award and is now supported by the publisher Wiley-Blackwell.

The GCP often hosts forums for international scholarly dialogue. Currently, we publish in English, but we are looking to expand our capacity to publish in other languages.

For more information about the Global Circulation Project, please see our website at Wiley-Blackwell.