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English and Creative Writing

Professor Nick Groom

Professor Nick Groom

Honorary Appointment


Recent Conference Papers (*keynote)

  1. ‘Catachthonic History: Historicizing the Archipelago.’ AARP Symposium, Willson Center, Georgia University, 10-14 April 2013
  2. ‘“Let’s discuss over country supper soon”: Rebekah Brooks and David Cameron – Rural Realities and Rustic Representations.’ The Rural Experience, Loughborough University, 26-28 March 2013
  3. ‘Draining the Irish Channel: Identity, Sustainability, and the Politics of Water.’ AARP Symposium: Over the Irish Sea, University College Dublin, 25-26 April 2012
  4. ‘Authenticity and the Archipelago: A Case of Highland Forgery’. Environment and Identity Conference, Pendennis Castle 20-21 July 2011 (and final roundtable panel member)
  5. ‘Archipelagic Ossian: Macpherson and Representations of the British Isles’. Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society Conference, Aberdeen 7-10 July 2011
  6. *‘“The Rain it Raineth Every Day”: Weather, National Identity, and Climate Change.’ English and Welsh Diaspora: Regional Voices, Disparate Voices, Remembered Lives, Loughborough University, 13-16 April 2011
  7. *‘Rough Music.’ Romantic Counter-Cultures, Swansea University, 14 December 2009
  8. ‘The Wrecke of Nature’: Chatterton’s Ecosystems’, BARS Roehampton 23-6 July 2009
  9. *‘Seasons of the Gothic: Cultural Meteorology, National Identity, and Climate Change.’ Gothic Locations, inaugural conference, Wales and West Gothic Network, Cardiff University, 19 September 2008
  10. *‘Seasons of Song.’ Place, Writing and Voice, University of Plymouth, 5-6 September 2008
  11. ‘Jug Jug.’ Romantic Animals, University of Exeter, 7 July 2008
  12. ‘“Executioner-Style”: Nick Cave and the Murder Ballad Tradition.’ Nick Cave International Conference, University of Westminster, 5 July 2008
  13. Invited speaker: ‘Unoriginal Genius: Plagiarism and the Construction of “Romantic Authorship”.’ Inspiration, Interpretation or Infringement? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Creativity and Copyright (Law Faculty), Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1 July 2008
  14. ‘What is the Future of the Union, Jack?’ Britishness, Identity and Citizenship, University of Huddersfield, 5-6 June 2008
  15. ‘“With certain grand Cottleisms”: Southey and Cottle and the Making of Chatterton’s Works.’ Robert Southey and the Contexts of Romanticism, Keswick, 17-19 March 2008
  16. ‘Why Bother Editing Percy’s Reliques?’ The Voice of the People: The European Folk Revival, 1760-1914, University of Sheffield, 6-8 September 2007
17.‘Strange Music from Beyond the Wall of Sleep: Aeolian Harps, Seashells, and the Pagan Lyre.’ 36th Wordsworth Summer Conference, Grasmere, 30 July - 8 August, 2007. Plenary lecture, by invitation
  1. ‘Why Bother Annotating Percy’s Reliques?’ American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 22-5 March 2007

Recent Seminar Papers

  1. Invited participant to two British Academy-funded workshops on forgery and authenticity at University of Sheffield (22 January 2010 and 28 January 2011)
  2. ‘Kubla Khan’s Automatic Harp: Ambient Noise in Late-18th Century & Romantic Poetry.’ University of Sheffield (11 February 2010)
  3. Invited participant to Fabian Society Policy Conference: The Equality Summit, TUC London (17 December 2008)
  4. Invited participant to Fabian Society seminar on citizenship, Labour Party Conference, Manchester Town Hall (22 September 2008)
  5. ‘The Poetic Cymbals of “Kubla Khan”.’ Keele University (7 May 2008)
  6. ‘Damsels, Dulcimers, and the Devil’s Lyre: The Milk of Paradise and the Music of Pandaemonium.’ George Jack Lecture, University of St Andrews (24 April, 2008)
  7. ‘What was that Abyssinian Maid playing at?’ University of Plymouth (16 April 2008)

Recent Public Talks

  1. ‘The Gothic.’ Telegraph Literary Festival, Dartington (14 July 2013)
  2. ‘From The Lizard to Middle-Earth: Tolkien in Cornwall.’ (14 May 2013)
  3. ‘The Gothic.’ The Albion Beatnik Bookshop, Oxford (24 March 2013)
  4. Roundtable panel at the Oxford English Faculty Tolkien Spring School (23 March 2013)
  5. ‘The Gothic.’ Sunday Times Literary Festival, Oxford (22 March 2013)
  6. ‘The Invention of May Day.’ Du Maurier Festival (16 May 2012)
  7. St Piran’s Day school workshops, Truro Cathedral (5 March 2012)
  8. ‘Thomas Chatterton: The First “Green” Poet?’ Thomas Chatterton Society Annual Lecture (24 April 2010)
  9. Two talks at Du Maurier Festival 2010 (Tolkien in Cornwall, Sabine Baring-Gould)
  10. ‘“When the wind whistles cold on the moor in the night”: Sabine Baring-Gould and the Hunting of the Werewolf.’ Joint talk with Dr Joanne Parker: Du Maurier Literary Festival, Fowey (12 May 2009).
  11. Organized ‘Tolkien Day’, Tremough Campus (6 May 2009)
  12. ‘Serge-Making and Cowslips, Chimney Swallows and a Great Heap of Stones: South Zeal in the Eighteenth Century.’ South Tawton and District Local History Group (30 January 2009)
  13. ‘Is There A Dartmoor Literature?’ Forum chair, Festival of Dartmoor Literature (11 May 2008)
  14. ‘Who Cares About Britishness?’ Discussion with Vron Ware, Bath Literary Festival (2 March 2008)

The Atlantic Archipelagos Research Project, set up with a British Academy grant, is in association with the Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway. As part of this project, I organised the conference ‘Archipelagic Perspectives on Tim Robinson: an AARP Case study’ in 2011.

MA (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon)

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