Professor Nick Groom
Honorary Appointment
Recent Conference Papers (*keynote)
- ‘Catachthonic History: Historicizing the Archipelago.’ AARP Symposium, Willson Center, Georgia University, 10-14 April 2013
- ‘“Let’s discuss over country supper soon”: Rebekah Brooks and David Cameron – Rural Realities and Rustic Representations.’ The Rural Experience, Loughborough University, 26-28 March 2013
- ‘Draining the Irish Channel: Identity, Sustainability, and the Politics of Water.’ AARP Symposium: Over the Irish Sea, University College Dublin, 25-26 April 2012
- ‘Authenticity and the Archipelago: A Case of Highland Forgery’. Environment and Identity Conference, Pendennis Castle 20-21 July 2011 (and final roundtable panel member)
- ‘Archipelagic Ossian: Macpherson and Representations of the British Isles’. Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society Conference, Aberdeen 7-10 July 2011
- *‘“The Rain it Raineth Every Day”: Weather, National Identity, and Climate Change.’ English and Welsh Diaspora: Regional Voices, Disparate Voices, Remembered Lives, Loughborough University, 13-16 April 2011
- *‘Rough Music.’ Romantic Counter-Cultures, Swansea University, 14 December 2009
- ‘The Wrecke of Nature’: Chatterton’s Ecosystems’, BARS Roehampton 23-6 July 2009
- *‘Seasons of the Gothic: Cultural Meteorology, National Identity, and Climate Change.’ Gothic Locations, inaugural conference, Wales and West Gothic Network, Cardiff University, 19 September 2008
- *‘Seasons of Song.’ Place, Writing and Voice, University of Plymouth, 5-6 September 2008
- ‘Jug Jug.’ Romantic Animals, University of Exeter, 7 July 2008
- ‘“Executioner-Style”: Nick Cave and the Murder Ballad Tradition.’ Nick Cave International Conference, University of Westminster, 5 July 2008
- Invited speaker: ‘Unoriginal Genius: Plagiarism and the Construction of “Romantic Authorship”.’ Inspiration, Interpretation or Infringement? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Creativity and Copyright (Law Faculty), Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1 July 2008
- ‘What is the Future of the Union, Jack?’ Britishness, Identity and Citizenship, University of Huddersfield, 5-6 June 2008
- ‘“With certain grand Cottleisms”: Southey and Cottle and the Making of Chatterton’s Works.’ Robert Southey and the Contexts of Romanticism, Keswick, 17-19 March 2008
- ‘Why Bother Editing Percy’s Reliques?’ The Voice of the People: The European Folk Revival, 1760-1914, University of Sheffield, 6-8 September 2007
17.‘Strange Music from Beyond the Wall of Sleep: Aeolian Harps, Seashells, and the Pagan Lyre.’ 36th Wordsworth Summer Conference, Grasmere, 30 July - 8 August, 2007. Plenary lecture, by invitation
- ‘Why Bother Annotating Percy’s Reliques?’ American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 22-5 March 2007
Recent Seminar Papers
- Invited participant to two British Academy-funded workshops on forgery and authenticity at University of Sheffield (22 January 2010 and 28 January 2011)
- ‘Kubla Khan’s Automatic Harp: Ambient Noise in Late-18th Century & Romantic Poetry.’ University of Sheffield (11 February 2010)
- Invited participant to Fabian Society Policy Conference: The Equality Summit, TUC London (17 December 2008)
- Invited participant to Fabian Society seminar on citizenship, Labour Party Conference, Manchester Town Hall (22 September 2008)
- ‘The Poetic Cymbals of “Kubla Khan”.’ Keele University (7 May 2008)
- ‘Damsels, Dulcimers, and the Devil’s Lyre: The Milk of Paradise and the Music of Pandaemonium.’ George Jack Lecture, University of St Andrews (24 April, 2008)
- ‘What was that Abyssinian Maid playing at?’ University of Plymouth (16 April 2008)
Recent Public Talks
- ‘The Gothic.’ Telegraph Literary Festival, Dartington (14 July 2013)
- ‘From The Lizard to Middle-Earth: Tolkien in Cornwall.’ (14 May 2013)
- ‘The Gothic.’ The Albion Beatnik Bookshop, Oxford (24 March 2013)
- Roundtable panel at the Oxford English Faculty Tolkien Spring School (23 March 2013)
- ‘The Gothic.’ Sunday Times Literary Festival, Oxford (22 March 2013)
- ‘The Invention of May Day.’ Du Maurier Festival (16 May 2012)
- St Piran’s Day school workshops, Truro Cathedral (5 March 2012)
- ‘Thomas Chatterton: The First “Green” Poet?’ Thomas Chatterton Society Annual Lecture (24 April 2010)
- Two talks at Du Maurier Festival 2010 (Tolkien in Cornwall, Sabine Baring-Gould)
- ‘“When the wind whistles cold on the moor in the night”: Sabine Baring-Gould and the Hunting of the Werewolf.’ Joint talk with Dr Joanne Parker: Du Maurier Literary Festival, Fowey (12 May 2009).
- Organized ‘Tolkien Day’, Tremough Campus (6 May 2009)
- ‘Serge-Making and Cowslips, Chimney Swallows and a Great Heap of Stones: South Zeal in the Eighteenth Century.’ South Tawton and District Local History Group (30 January 2009)
- ‘Is There A Dartmoor Literature?’ Forum chair, Festival of Dartmoor Literature (11 May 2008)
- ‘Who Cares About Britishness?’ Discussion with Vron Ware, Bath Literary Festival (2 March 2008)
The Atlantic Archipelagos Research Project, set up with a British Academy grant, is in association with the Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway. As part of this project, I organised the conference ‘Archipelagic Perspectives on Tim Robinson: an AARP Case study’ in 2011.
MA (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon)