Dr Felicity Henderson
Senior Lecturer in Archives and Material Culture
01392 725974
My broad topic is 17th century intellectual culture, and within this I am interested in early-modern institutions (particularly the universities and the early Royal Society) and the circulation of ideas through manuscript, image and print. You can find me in room 202, Queen's.
Most recently my interest in early-modern literary and intellectual culture has focussed on the early Royal Society and its Fellows, particularly Robert Hooke, whose diary I am currently editing for OUP. Hooke's career in Restoration London is significant because he was one of the key experimental philosophers at the centre of the Royal Society and at the same time held an important role as Surveyor for the City of London, helping to rebuild after the great fire. Tracing Hooke's extensive network of contacts, and investigating his interactions with artists, craftsmen, instrument-makers, booksellers, merchants and courtiers will help to explore ways in which new ideas circulated beyond boundaries of occupation and class.
I am interested in the manuscript circulation of texts, and much of my research has relied on archival sources. I have been involved in a number of scholarly editing projects, and have published on individual archives. My early work centred on the personal manuscript miscellanies of scholars at Oxford and Cambridge, and particularly satirical texts circulated in manuscript amongst erudite communities in early-modern England. With Dr Antonia Moon (British Library ) I am editing Sir Thomas Browne's notebooks for OUP as part of a large AHRC project on Browne's works.
Recently I have become interested in the translation of early-modern scientific texts between European vernaculars. I am particularly interested in the identity of translators and the ways in which they transformed texts during the process of translation, and how this influenced the circulation of ideas.
I have been a co-investigator on the AHRC network 'The Origins of Science as a Visual Pursuit', which looked at image-making practices in the early Royal Society. I also helped to set up another AHRC network, 'Women in Science, 1830-2000', which is bringing together archivists, historians and scientists to look at the historical careers of female scientists.
Research collaborations
I have previous or ongoing research collaborations with the following people and institutions:
- Dr Sachiko Kusukawa, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge (visual culture in early-modern science)
- Dr Alex Marr, Art History, University of Cambridge (visual culture in early-modern science)
- Dr Antonia Moon, British Library (notebooks of Sir Thomas Browne)
- Dr William Poole, English, University of Oxford (letters and papers of Robert Hooke FRS)
- Dr Sue Hawkins, History, Kingston University (archives of women in science, 1830-2000)
I would be pleased to hear from prospective graduate students interested in research in the following areas (generally but not exclusively focussed on the early-modern period):
- history of science; literature and science;
- manuscript and print culture;
- scholarly editing;
- satire;
- visual and material culture;
- life-writing;
- translation;
- collections and the history of collecting.
Research students
I am currently supervising Anna-Lujz Gilbert's PhD project "Public books in provincial towns: town and parish libraries of early modern Devon".
I have previously supervised to completion Dr Harry Ford (botany in Shakespeare) and, as second supervisor, Dr Sarah-Jayne Ainsworth (women's testamentary writing in early-modern England).
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2007 |
- Henderson F. (2022) Engraving Accuracy in Early Modern England: Visual Communication and the Royal Society, The Seventeenth Century, volume 38, no. 1, pages 181-182, DOI:10.1080/0268117x.2022.2116200.
- Henderson FC. (2020) Material thoughts: Robert Hooke's theory of memory, Testimonies: States of Mind and States of the Body in the Early Modern Period, Springer, 59-83, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-39375-5_5.
- Ford H. (2019) Shakespeare and the Botanic Reformation.
- Henderson F. (2018) Matthew C. Hunter. Wicked Intelligence: Visual Art and the Science of Experiment in Restoration London. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. xvii + 330 pp. $55. ISBN: 978-0-226-01729-7, Renaissance Quarterly, volume 67, no. 3, pages 974-976, DOI:10.1086/678806.
- Henderson F. (2018) The Image of Restoration Science: The Frontispiece to Thomas Sprat’s History of the Royal Society (1667), The Seventeenth Century, volume 34, no. 2, pages 265-266, DOI:10.1080/0268117x.2018.1516564.
- Henderson FC. (2017) Taking the Moon Seriously: John Wilkins's Discovery of a World in the Moone (1638) and Discourse concerning a New World and Another Planet (1640), John Wilkins (1614-1672): New Essays, Brill, 129-157.
- Henderson FC. (2017) Translation in the circle of Robert Hooke, Translating early modern science, Brill.
- Henderson F. (2015) Reviews: Losing Touch with Nature: Literature and the New Science in Sixteenth-Century England, Literature & History, volume 24, no. 2, pages 91-93, DOI:10.1177/030619731502400201.
- Henderson F. (2015) Communicating Observations in Early Modern Letters (1500-1675): Epistolography and Epistemology in the Age of the Scientific Revolution, ISIS, volume 106, no. 2, pages 437-438, DOI:10.1086/682772. [PDF]
- Henderson F. (2015) The Newton Papers: The Strange and True Odyssey of Isaac Newton's Manuscripts, ISIS, volume 106, no. 3, pages 702-703, DOI:10.1086/683247. [PDF]
- Lodwick F. (2011) Francis Lodwick: On Theology, Language and Utopia, Oxford University Press.
- Henderson F. (2007) Unpublished material from the memorandum book of Robert Hooke, Guildhall Library MS 1758, NOTES AND RECORDS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, volume 61, no. 2, pages 129-175, DOI:10.1098/rsnr.2006.0173. [PDF]
External impact and engagement
I regularly give public lectures on aspects of my work to community groups such as local National Trust associations and for other organisations such as the Institute of Physics. I have also been interviewed for a number of radio and TV programmes, most recently Lisa Jardine's 'The Seven Ages of Science' (BBC Radio 4) and 'The Century that Wrote Itself', presented by Adam Nicolson (BBC Four).
In association with my work on the diary of Robert Hooke FRS I blog at hookeslondon.com and tweet daily diary entries via @HookesLondon.
Contribution to discipline
I am a member of the Council of the British Society for the History of Science, and from January 2014 I will be on the editorial board of the history of science journal Notes and Records of the Royal Society.
Modules taught
- EAS1035 - Beginnings: English Literature before 1800
- EAS1041 - Rethinking Shakespeare
- EAS2026 - Desire and Power: English Literature 1570-1640
- EAS2080 - Renaissance and Revolution
- EAS2102 - Satire and the City: English Literature 1660-1750
- EAS3003 - Dissertation
- EAS3179 - Life and Death in Early Modern Literature
- EAS3237 - The Rise of Science
- EASM109 - Bodies Politic: Cultural and Sexual Politics in England, 1603-1679
- HUM2000 - Humanities in the Workplace